Sspx Mass

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Peter and Paul Roman Catholic Church is one of a few chapels located in New Mexico where the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass is celebrated according to the Ancient Tridentine Rite of the Holy Roman Catholic Church. Mass & Confession Times. Hello, I am a supporter of sspx but there are no sspx churches within reasonable distance of me, does sspx recognize that novu ordo mass fulfills your obligation if it is the only mass you can go to? Thank you, and if you have any tips on what to do when you can't go to a sspx church please tel me them.

  1. Sspx Mass Online
  2. Sspx Mass Sanford Florida
  3. Sspx Mass Stipend




10:00 am:High Mass. Confessions start at 9:30 am. Rosary at 9:30 am.

7:00 pm:Low Mass. Confessions start at 6:30 pm. Rosary at 6:30 pm.


8:00 am:Low Mass. Confessions start at 7:30 am. Rosary at 7:30 pm.

10:00 am:High Mass. Confessions start at 9:00 am. Rosary at 9:30 am.

12:30 pm:Low Mass. Confessions start at 11:30 am. Rosary at 12:00 pm.

The collection boxes for both the first and second collection are located in the vestibule.

Mass schedules are also listed here.

Weekday Mass schedule

Sspx Mass Online

Our normal daily Mass schedule is Tuesday through Saturday (unless otherwise noted):
9:30 am Rosary and Confessions
10:00 am Low Mass

Sspx mass locations

05/10 (Mon): No Mass
05/11 (Tue): Sts. Philip and James
05/12 (Wed): Vigil of the Asencsion
05/13 (Thu): ASCENSION THURSDAY, see above
05/14 (Fri): Funeral: Grace Dunkle (10 am)
05/15 (Sat): St. John Baptiste de la Salle

05/17 (Mon): No Mass
05/18 (Tue): St. Venantius
05/19 (Wed): No Mass
05/20 (Thu): No Mass
05/21 (Fri): No Mass
05/22 (Sat): Vigil of Pentecost

Donations may be contributed at church or sent in to our mailing address below. We are very grateful for this assistance and thank you for your generosity — may God reward you.


St. Michael's Catholic Church
P O Box 1691
Roswell GA 30077

Note: The normal schedule is posted below.

There will be no Mass on the First Friday of June (Father will be at the Seminary).

The First Saturday schedule for June 5 (only) will be one hour earlier.

First Thursday:
9:30 am Confessions
10:00 am Votive Mass of Our Lord Jesus Christ, High Priest
10:30 am Prayers for Priests and Vocations

First Friday:
9:30 am Confessions
10:00 am Votive Mass of the Sacred Heart
10:30 am Prayers of Reparation and Consecration to the Sacred Heart

First Saturday:
9:15 am Confessions
9:15 am 15-Decade Rosary
10:00 am Votive Mass of the Immaculate Heart
10:30 am Prayers of Reparation and Consecration to the Immaculate Heart
10:50 am Brunch

Subdiaconate Ordination photos are posted here. Congratulations to Rev. Mr. Stephen Sheahan who was ordained a Subdeacon by His Excellency Bishop Bernard Fellay, SSPX, at St. Thomas Aquinas Seminary in Buckingham, Virginia, on March 27, 2021. Congratulations to the Sheahan family for their third son in Major Orders in the Society of St. Pius X. Reverend Sheahan is scheduled to be ordained a Deacon on the Feast of the Sacred Heart, June 11, 2021 in Virginia, in view of Priestly Ordination in 2022. Please keep him in your prayers as he advances ever more closely to the altar of God.

The SSPX Third Order – Archbishop Lefebvre founded it as a branch of the Society because he saw it as a powerful means of sanctification and as a means for a specially-dedicated corps of the faithful to spiritually support the priests of the Society in the apostolate. Read Fr. Pagliarani's letter here.

The Fiftieth Anniversary of the SSPX was celebrated recently, marking the anniversary of its official canonical establishment by the Catholic hierarchy as a society of apostolic life within the Catholic Church. Our Superior General, Rev. Fr. Davide Pagliarani, issued a letter to the members and the faithful of the Society, recalling the essence of our combat for the Faith and for Christ the King, and the ultimate goal of all our battles: the life of an intimate union with our Blessed Lord and King. The letter is here.

Rev. Fr. Davide Pagliarani was also interviewed. The interview is posted at the District site here.

The District Superior of the U.S. District, Rev. Fr. John Fullerton, was also interviewed and his interview is posted here.

Live Streamed Mass from St. Mary's. You can follow the Masses either live or archived, as well as Compline each evening.

SSPX Podcast has material of various types for spiritual edification: interviews, meditations on the Passion, insight into the life of our religious communities, and so on. It is really good.

Traditional Catholic Radio from St. Mary's, KS What would a radio station be like in a truly Catholic city? Here it is. Throughout the day, there is a good balance of classical music, prayer, devotions, conferences, and more.

What is the Society of St. Pius X?

The Society of St. Pius X is an official Roman Catholic congregation founded by Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre with canonical approval in 1970 in Switzerland. Now numbering over 650 priests, nearly 250 seminarians, 395 Religious Brothers and Sisters, more than 25 other affiliated religious orders (e.g., Franciscans, Benedictines, Carmelites, Dominicans, Redemptorists), and hundreds of Third Order members, it operates 6 Major Seminaries, 2 Universities, over a hundred schools, dozens of retreat houses, and 772 priories and missions in over 70 countries.

It is a proven antidote to the poison of Modernism, the heresy which has all but destroyed the Catholic Faith. After Vatican II–when most prelates rushed to make drastic changes and innovations, turning their parishes, seminaries and convents upside down, disdaining Papal Authority–Archbishop Lefebvre instead carefully steered his Society along the sure path of Sacred Tradition, adhering to the Latin Tridentine Mass and to the Church's classic formation of priests, all the while remaining loyal to the Successor of Peter and attached to Eternal Rome. Thousands upon thousands of Catholics flocked to his support. Confused by the upheaval in the Church but wisely fearful of breaking with the Pope, they recognized in Archbishop Lefebvre a faithful shepherd of Our Lord's sheep who proclaimed courageously all that they understood to be the same Faith into which they had been baptized.

Some have accused the Society of breaking with the Pope because it refuses to embrace the changes which are Modernist; on the other hand, because it refuses to break with the Pope, others accuse it of compromising with Modernists! But, neither is true… Thus, the Society goes serenely on its way, as the Archbishop said, with no rebellion, no bitterness, no resentment, carrying on the work of the Church in the same way she has done since the days of the Apostles.



10:00 am:High Mass. Confessions start at 9:30 am. Rosary at 9:30 am.

7:00 pm:Low Mass. Confessions start at 6:30 pm. Rosary at 6:30 pm.


8:00 am:Low Mass. Confessions start at 7:30 am. Rosary at 7:30 pm.

10:00 am:High Mass. Confessions start at 9:00 am. Rosary at 9:30 am.

12:30 pm:Low Mass. Confessions start at 11:30 am. Rosary at 12:00 pm.

The collection boxes for both the first and second collection are located in the vestibule.

Mass schedules are also listed here.

Weekday Mass schedule

Sspx Mass Online

Our normal daily Mass schedule is Tuesday through Saturday (unless otherwise noted):
9:30 am Rosary and Confessions
10:00 am Low Mass

05/10 (Mon): No Mass
05/11 (Tue): Sts. Philip and James
05/12 (Wed): Vigil of the Asencsion
05/13 (Thu): ASCENSION THURSDAY, see above
05/14 (Fri): Funeral: Grace Dunkle (10 am)
05/15 (Sat): St. John Baptiste de la Salle

05/17 (Mon): No Mass
05/18 (Tue): St. Venantius
05/19 (Wed): No Mass
05/20 (Thu): No Mass
05/21 (Fri): No Mass
05/22 (Sat): Vigil of Pentecost

Donations may be contributed at church or sent in to our mailing address below. We are very grateful for this assistance and thank you for your generosity — may God reward you.

St. Michael's Catholic Church
P O Box 1691
Roswell GA 30077

Note: The normal schedule is posted below.

There will be no Mass on the First Friday of June (Father will be at the Seminary).

The First Saturday schedule for June 5 (only) will be one hour earlier.

First Thursday:
9:30 am Confessions
10:00 am Votive Mass of Our Lord Jesus Christ, High Priest
10:30 am Prayers for Priests and Vocations

First Friday:
9:30 am Confessions
10:00 am Votive Mass of the Sacred Heart
10:30 am Prayers of Reparation and Consecration to the Sacred Heart

First Saturday:
9:15 am Confessions
9:15 am 15-Decade Rosary
10:00 am Votive Mass of the Immaculate Heart
10:30 am Prayers of Reparation and Consecration to the Immaculate Heart
10:50 am Brunch

Subdiaconate Ordination photos are posted here. Congratulations to Rev. Mr. Stephen Sheahan who was ordained a Subdeacon by His Excellency Bishop Bernard Fellay, SSPX, at St. Thomas Aquinas Seminary in Buckingham, Virginia, on March 27, 2021. Congratulations to the Sheahan family for their third son in Major Orders in the Society of St. Pius X. Reverend Sheahan is scheduled to be ordained a Deacon on the Feast of the Sacred Heart, June 11, 2021 in Virginia, in view of Priestly Ordination in 2022. Please keep him in your prayers as he advances ever more closely to the altar of God.

The SSPX Third Order – Archbishop Lefebvre founded it as a branch of the Society because he saw it as a powerful means of sanctification and as a means for a specially-dedicated corps of the faithful to spiritually support the priests of the Society in the apostolate. Read Fr. Pagliarani's letter here.

The Fiftieth Anniversary of the SSPX was celebrated recently, marking the anniversary of its official canonical establishment by the Catholic hierarchy as a society of apostolic life within the Catholic Church. Our Superior General, Rev. Fr. Davide Pagliarani, issued a letter to the members and the faithful of the Society, recalling the essence of our combat for the Faith and for Christ the King, and the ultimate goal of all our battles: the life of an intimate union with our Blessed Lord and King. The letter is here.

Rev. Fr. Davide Pagliarani was also interviewed. The interview is posted at the District site here.

The District Superior of the U.S. District, Rev. Fr. John Fullerton, was also interviewed and his interview is posted here.

Live Streamed Mass from St. Mary's. You can follow the Masses either live or archived, as well as Compline each evening.

SSPX Podcast has material of various types for spiritual edification: interviews, meditations on the Passion, insight into the life of our religious communities, and so on. It is really good.

Traditional Catholic Radio from St. Mary's, KS What would a radio station be like in a truly Catholic city? Here it is. Throughout the day, there is a good balance of classical music, prayer, devotions, conferences, and more.

What is the Society of St. Pius X?

The Society of St. Pius X is an official Roman Catholic congregation founded by Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre with canonical approval in 1970 in Switzerland. Now numbering over 650 priests, nearly 250 seminarians, 395 Religious Brothers and Sisters, more than 25 other affiliated religious orders (e.g., Franciscans, Benedictines, Carmelites, Dominicans, Redemptorists), and hundreds of Third Order members, it operates 6 Major Seminaries, 2 Universities, over a hundred schools, dozens of retreat houses, and 772 priories and missions in over 70 countries.

It is a proven antidote to the poison of Modernism, the heresy which has all but destroyed the Catholic Faith. After Vatican II–when most prelates rushed to make drastic changes and innovations, turning their parishes, seminaries and convents upside down, disdaining Papal Authority–Archbishop Lefebvre instead carefully steered his Society along the sure path of Sacred Tradition, adhering to the Latin Tridentine Mass and to the Church's classic formation of priests, all the while remaining loyal to the Successor of Peter and attached to Eternal Rome. Thousands upon thousands of Catholics flocked to his support. Confused by the upheaval in the Church but wisely fearful of breaking with the Pope, they recognized in Archbishop Lefebvre a faithful shepherd of Our Lord's sheep who proclaimed courageously all that they understood to be the same Faith into which they had been baptized.

Some have accused the Society of breaking with the Pope because it refuses to embrace the changes which are Modernist; on the other hand, because it refuses to break with the Pope, others accuse it of compromising with Modernists! But, neither is true… Thus, the Society goes serenely on its way, as the Archbishop said, with no rebellion, no bitterness, no resentment, carrying on the work of the Church in the same way she has done since the days of the Apostles.

For more information about the apostolate of the SSPX in the U.S. and around the world, visit This is also a good resource for locating other SSPX parishes for when one is traveling or recommending the Society to friends and relatives who live in other areas.

Sspx Mass Sanford Florida

Spiritual Communion Learn more about how to make a spiritual communion and what the saints have recommended about it.

Act of Spiritual Communion (St. Alphonsus de Liguori)
My Jesus, I believe that Thou art really present in the Most Blessed Sacrament. I love Thee above all things, and I desire to possess Thee within my soul. Since I cannot now receive Thee sacramentally, come at least spiritually into my heart. (Pause) As though Thou wert already there, I embrace Thee, and unite myself wholly to Thee; permit not that I should ever be separated from Thee. May the Body of Our Lord Jesus Christ keep my soul unto Everlasting Life. Amen.

Sspx Mass Stipend

Check back regularly. If there are any updates, we will be sure to post them here.

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